- December 17th, 2021

With an anticipated notice to proceed as early as January 31, 2022 and construction continuing through July 15, 2026, has a large scope of work that encompasses all five bridges to maintain safe and reliable travel on this portion of the Boulevard of the Allies and its connection to and from I-376 Parkway East. Work will include:
- Concrete deck repairs and PPC overlays
- Deteriorated concrete repairs
- Expansion joint replacements
- Pin and hanger replacements
- Structural steel repairs
- Expansion bearing replacement
- Full painting of superstructure and steel substructure units
- Downspouting replacement with galvanized steel
- Retaining wall repair of deteriorated concrete on one of the ramps
Roadways will see new guide rail installation and impact attenuator upgrades, signage upgrades, and drainage repairs.
As a major connection between downtown, Oakland, I-376, and I-579, significant detours will be implemented as ramp work commences and ramp restrictions and closures occur in phases, though a specific construction schedule has not yet been released. We will share specific information as it develops.
Officially named the "SR 885 A46 / SR 8004 A03 Blvd. of the Allies Ramps Bridge Preservation Project" (ECMS 100728), the timeline for this work and all potential traffic impacts will be coordinated with at least four other large-scale projects happening in the area simultaneously, including:
- Smithfield Street Bridge work anticipated to begin mid-March 2022 through early 2024
- Armstrong Tunnel construction expected to begin early 2022 with the inbound tunnel closing for approximately one year followed by the outbound tunnel closing for the following year
- Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project connecting Downtown, Uptown, Oakland, and the East End happening right now along Fifth & Forbes downtown
- Hazelwood Green project happening right now along Second Avenue near Greenfield/Hazelwood and expected to be completed in September 2022
These details were shared by the project team at WSP Consultants, Federal Highway Administration, and PennDOT during a pre-bid conference on December 2, 2021, though additional information can be found on the PennDOT District 11 website outlining the entire project from major construction activities to preliminary construction phasing, well-illustrated expected detour maps, and more.
Due to site constraints with most work occurring on limited access ramps to the interstate, PennDOT has noted that it is not feasible to provide pedestrian or bicycle facilities on these bridges through this project.