Listed below are several projects we have been a partner in completing along with the cooperation of regional and statewide planning commissions, local organizations and the Oakland community:

Birmingham Bridge (SR2805) Rehabilitation Project

This major bridge rehabilitation project, estimated Contract Value of $28.5 million, is anticipated to begin in September 2014. The Birmingham Bridge Preservation Project will include the painting of the entire superstructure, steel repairs, bearing replacements, substructure repairs, light pole replacements and a concrete overlay. Traffic will be crossed over and maintained on the bridge that carries Route 2085? over the Monongahela River in the City of Pittsburgh. Various overnight and weekend ramp and lane closures and possible detours will occur on several roadways in the area of the bridge. Construction will conclude in Summer 2017.


Greenfield Bridge Replacement

Originally constructed circa 1921, inspection and analysis of the structure has indicated the bridge needs to be replaced. The bridge location and architecture suggest a context sensitive design and coordination with PennDOT for I-376 traffic impacts. It is anticipated that pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular traffic will be rerouted for the full duration of the work.


Reconstruction of SR0400 Baum Blvd

Roadway reconstruction work will occur on Route 380 (Baum Boulevard/North Craig Street/Bigelow Boulevard) between Morewood Avenue and Herron Avenue in the City of Pittsburgh.  The project includes full depth reconstruction from the Bigelow Boulevard eastbound off-ramp to the Bloomfield Bridge to the Baum Avenue Bridge over the PAT Busway.  Additionally, reconstruction of the Baum Avenue bridge deck and milling and resurfacing of Baum Avenue from the bridge to Morewood Avenue will occur.  Other work includes reconstruction of ADA curb cut ramps, traffic signal upgrades and pavement reconstruction at the Bloomfield Bridge.


Bates Street/Second Avenue Improvement Project (Eliza Furnace Trail)

Slated for completion in early 2011, The Bates Street / Second Avenue improvement project involves replacing and raising the Eliza Furnace Trail Bridge, enhancing Eliza Trail roadway reconstruction, new signage, and altering traffic patterns to a smoother flow of traffic.


Bike Rack Replacement

The University of Pittsburgh has maintained bicycle parking facilities (racks and lockers) for thirteen years with funding procured by OTMA. Together, OTMA and Pitt were successful in receiving joint Federal funding in December to replace 100 of the original bike racks and lockers. As bicycle parking has become a greater demand in recent years, this money will be used to provide stable racks and secure lockers for bicycle commuters.


Boulevard of the Allies Betterment

The proposed scope of work for the Boulevard of the Allies Betterment includes highway resurfacing with minor structure repairs, drainage improvements, traffic signal upgrades, and ADA accommodations. Intersections will be made ADA compliant and guiderail will be updated to current standards, where necessary. Six structures within the project limits will have various preservation work performed including spall repair, deck sealing, and cleaning/flushing. Overhead sign structures within the project area will also be repaired. The overall limits of the project are the Boulevard of the Allies from the Liberty Bridge to Bates Street.

Inbound Ramp Closures May 31 through June 3, 2019: Northbound Rt. 885 ramp closures to Liberty Bridge/Rt.19/Rt.51 & ramp to Veterans Bridge/I-579 North/I-279 North will occur the weekend of 5/31-6/3 (weather permitting). Detours posted.

Learn more about the project: Nov. 5, 2018 Public Meeting Presentation


East Carson Street Safety Improvement Project

A public meeting was held on March 19, 2018 for the East Carson Street Safety Improvement Project (SR 837, Section A42). As part of PENNDOT's public involvement below are links to the public meeting presentation, meeting displays, and a video rendering to help learn more about the project.

Mar. 19, 2018 Public Meeting Presentation
Display Boards
YouTube Videos


Forbes Avenue Betterment Project and the Oakland/CMU Forbes Corridor Safety Improvements Project

The last public meeting on the Forbes Avenue Betterment Project and the Oakland/CMU Forbes Corridor Safety Improvements Project was held March 1, 2018, at Carnegie Mellon University from 5-7pm. Dowload the presentation HERE.

Download the presentation from the Public Meeting held July 17, 2017, download a map of the project areadownload the presentation from the August 31, 2016 public meeting, or visit the project microsite for more detail.

In partnership, Carnegie Mellon University and OTMA led a project to build upon past pedestrian safety and mobility improvements in the Oakland area. This study received funding from the Pennsylvania Community Transportation Initiative (PCTI) to study the main arterials of Forbes and Fifth Avenue which extend through the CMU campus, connecting Oakland to adjoining Eastern Communities. The study applied smart transportation principles to help solve these corridor transportation challenges. Data gathered in the study has assisted in the development of an infrastructure necessary to support multi-modal access including walking, bicycling, transit, and private automobiles.


Hazelwood Green Phase 1 Transportation Mitigation Project

The project consists of transportation work required to mitigate Phase 1 development of the Hazelwood Green site in accordance with the 2013 Transportation Impact Study.  Currently the link contains the slides presented at the public meeting held September 26, 2018.

Sep. 26, 2018 Public Meeting Presentation


Hometown Streets: Forbes/Fifth Avenue Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Improvements

After four years of planning, design, and engineering, construction began on the Forbes/Fifth Avenue Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Improvement project. Throughout the process, OTMA served as the community outreach organization for Oakland commuters, residents, businesses, and institutions. The determined efforts of committed partners and funders – the University of Pittsburgh, the City of Pittsburgh, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and OTMA – proved successful in updating 11 high-traffic pedestrian intersections in the Fifth and Forbes corridor.

The updates to these intersections are tremendous. Once outdated crosswalks now have pedestrian countdown signals, curb extensions, handicapped ramps, crosswalk delineations, enhanced lighting and new pedestrian islands. These enhancements have made pedestrians and bikers more visible to motorists – creating a much safer, convenient, and visually appealing neighborhood.


I-376 Parkway East Corridor Transportation Network Project

PennDOT Engineering District 11, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, is pleased to announce the kick-off of the public outreach efforts for the I-376 Parkway East Corridor Transportation Network Project. The overall goal of the Project is to perform a comprehensive transportation evaluation of the I-376, Parkway East corridor and to develop and design strategies to improve safety and mobility on the corridor transportation network. Completing this survey will help the Oakland Transportation Management Association in assisting with the collection of data that will aid in the project development process and will also help establish the basis for any possible future improvement strategies.


Joncaire Streets Steps Replacement Project

On November 10, 2014, PennDOT announced that the Joncaire Street Steps would be funded through the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) upon being selected as one of 56 projects that improve transportation alternatives. At that time, the project was slated to receive $384,000 for the demolition and rebuilding of the public stairway, for which OTMA was the applicant (submitted July 22, 2014) in partnership with the City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works.

The Joncaire Street Steps (originally 136 stairs) have always been a key connection between Panther Hollow and Central Oakland, however the condition of the original public stairway did not allow for safe use by pedestrians and did not provide accommodations for cyclists. Through the replacement project, improvements to the public stairway would provide multimodal access for bikes and pedestrians alike, encouraging greater use by Oakland residents, as well as students/faculty from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University; and providing access into Schenley Park and access to the Three Rivers Regional Trail System.

The old steps closed on October 9, 2017 and in late January 2018, Clearwater (the contractor) formed the top, bottom, and path landings, and placed concrete, followed by minimal work in February 2018 while the railing and light poles were fabricated off-site. No closures of Joncaire Street were required, though flaggers were utilized at times to maintain one lane of alternating traffic through the work zone.

The reconstucted steps were completed in Summer 2018. The project's traffic control plans (which included a pedestrian detour) can be found in archives here or click here to read archived news coverage from the Post-Gazette.


SR885: Boulevard of the Allies Bridge Project

Starting in 2004, OTMA has been directly involved as an integral part of the Boulevard of the Allies Bridge Project design team, a representative of the Oakland Task Force, and PennDOT’s community outreach partner. Completed at the start of 2009, the project involved a new ramp connecting Fifth avenue to the boulevard and replacement of existing boulevard bridges and roadways complete with paving and landscaping. The redesign of this outdated interchange has created a much more efficient, attractive, and safer gateway to Oakland’s medical, educational, and cultural hubs


Swinburne Street Reconstruction Project

The Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) is pleased to announce the commencement of construction of the Swinburne Street wall and soil stabilization project on October 21, 2019, following several months of extensive geotechnical analysis and engineering design.

This $630,000 project will correct an ongoing slope instability issue and restore unrestricted two-way traffic.

Swinburne Street construction will last approximately five months from mid-October through March/April 2019. During construction, Swinburne Street will be closed to all traffic in both directions between Greenfield Avenue and Edgehill Street /Childs Street. A detour route will be provided. Access to the Sestili Nursery will still be maintained.

Swinburne Street is one of several streets which have been affected by landslides over the last year as a result of record breaking wet weather. The $1 million response to the Greenleaf landslide in the West End last year and Swinburne Street represent a significant expenditure in landslide repairs. Several other large scale slide response projects will begin in the coming months including List Street, Semicir Street, William Street, Forward Avenue and additional smaller projects. It is expected that more than $8 million of local capital will be invested this year to protect and restore public right of ways.

For questions, please contact the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure at or 412-255-8850.