- February 26th, 2024

Following the pilot program and a brief "warnings" issuance period, the City of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Parking Authority began automated enforcement of the Smart Loading Zones with tickets being sent out by mail beginning January 22, 2024.
The new way to manage our curb space is intended to increase delivery efficiency while decreasing congestion and emissions. The rollout of the pilot program created some initial confusion and concerns for many business owners, and in response to these concerns Council passed legislation that allows for a 15-minute fee-free grace period before motorists begin to be charged. Additionally, the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure changed enforcement hours for Smart Loading Zones—initially enforced Monday-Saturday between 5am-10pm, but ultimately as of the start of 2024, DOMI adjusted the hours to 8am-10pm to incentivize loading at early morning, off-peak times by keeping it fee-free.
The Pittsburgh Parking Authority began automated enforcement of the Smart Loading Zones starting on January 8, 2024 with "warnings" sent out by mail. As of January 22, 2024, official tickets are now being sent out by mail and motorists are responsible for paying to use these Smart Loading Zones.
Rates, pilot program history, FAQs, and a lot more background on the initiative is available on the EngagePGH website dedicated to the new Smart Loading Zones.
Source: City of Pittsburgh