A list of some of the public meetings and other events that have taken place over the past year.

Note: This list is automatically generated on our website and is not an exhaustive list of all events or public meetings related to transportation in and around Oakland. Use for archival purposes only. Check the current Meetings & Events page for details of upcoming events.


Davis Avenue Bridge Public Meeting, Brighton Heights

Monday, December 13, 2021 - 6:30pm
@Virtual Meeting

This is the first community meeting to review plans and construction timeline in preparation for the City's construction of a new Davis Avenue pedestrian and bicycle bridge from Brighton Heights to Riverview Park. Mayor Peduto allocated funds in 2019 to begin engineering studies for the project and, following the passage of the American Rescue Plan in 2021, the Mayor has allocated an additional $4 million to add to an additional $500,000 grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to complete this project.

The original Davis Avenue Bridge was constructed in 1898 and rehabbed in 1986 before being demolished in 2009 due to serious structural deterioration. Since then, residents of Brighton Heights and Marshall-Shadeland have had direct access to their regional CitiParks North Side Park severely limited.

Mayor Peduto, Senator Wayne Fontana, Representative Emily Kinkead, and Councilman Bobby Wilson collectively worked to provide funding from all three levels of government to fully fund the project which will now see the construction of a multi-use pedestrian bridge over Woods Run Avenue and valley. The new bridge will seek to emulate its historic predecessor while embracing new technology to minimize construction costs and impacts on the the adjacent neighborhoods. In accordancew ith stakeholder wishes, the bridge will not provide vehilce access – only pedestrians and cyclists.


This first public meeting is being hosted by the City of Pittsburgh Department of Mobility and Infrastructure and is being held via Zoom.


Meeting ID: 875 3725 6614

Passcode: 636138


More information https://www.post-gazette.com/news/transportation/2021/12/13/Davis-Avenue-Bridge-public-meeting-Brighton-Heights-Riverview-Park-pedestrian-bicycle-bridge/stories/202112130061 and archived news coverage https://www.wtae.com/article/watch-davis-avenue-bridge-to-be-rebuilt/36213758